Part 6 - speaking to other nodes

Lets bring our buzzer back into play as shown in the circuit below. 

The circuit:


We now want to receive a message from the sending unit and then pass it on to one of our neighbours, lets make our code a bit more interesting and make use of some of the bits we have already used. This time the sending unit will broadcast a message with a value between 0 and 1024 just like when we used a potentiometer to control things before.

Check the message is meant for your node and then use this 0-1024 value to:

  • Control the LED colour with the colour mixing code we found at this resource. You might want to put it in a function of its own and call it from the main loop, remember to check the pins! 
  • Control the buzzer with the 'tone()' function by mapping the 0-1023 range to 220-4400 for frequency. 
  • Turn the LED and buzzer on for one second, then turn them both off
  • Pass the input value on to the next node, look at the sender example in Part 5 if you are not sure how. 

+ Hint 1

We have everything we need between the previous exercises:

  • go back to the exercise 4 solution, it has the colour mixer and tone code in it and forms a great basis for this sketch
  • extract the Serial reading and address/code matching stuff from the solution in exercise 5 and merge it into the part 4 sketch
  • look at the sender example in part 5 to see how to send a message to another node
  • you will need to set up your own address and the node you are going to send to!

+ The solution

 * Receives serial, breaks two ints apart
 * and uses them as an address and code for LED
 * and tone playing. Then sends code to next 
 * node. 
 * Luke Woodbury 25 Jan 2017

//LED pins and variables to store values
const int redPin = 10; 
const int grnPin = 6;  
const int bluPin = 9;  
int redVal = 0;
int grnVal = 0;
int bluVal = 0;

//buzzer pin and variable
const int buzzPin = 11;
int toneVal = 100;

int thisNode = 2;
int nextNode = 3;

void setup()
  //set up serial for the xbee comms
  //set up serial for printing to monitor etc
  pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);   // sets the pins as output
  pinMode(grnPin, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(bluPin, OUTPUT); 

void loop(){

  if (Serial1.available() >= 3) {
    //use 'parseInt' to set the address/code variable 
    int address = Serial1.parseInt();
    int code = Serial1.parseInt();
    //Serial.print(" ");
    //if address matches our node number
    if(address == thisNode){
      //use to animate LED and buzzer
      //Send to the next node
      //send a space
      Serial1.print(' ');
      //Serial.print(' ');
      //... then send the code
 //...then another space to stop parseInt waiting
      Serial1.print(' '); 

void LEDanimate(int LEDval){
  if (LEDval < 341)  // Lowest third of the pot range (0-340)
    LEDval = (LEDval * 3) / 4; // Normalize to 0-255

    redVal = 256 - LEDval;  // Red from full to off
    grnVal = LEDval;        // Green from off to full
    bluVal = 1;             // Blue off
  else if (LEDval < 682) // Middle third of pot range (341-681)
    LEDval = ( (LEDval-341) * 3) / 4; // Normalize to 0-255

    redVal = 1;            // Red off
    grnVal = 256 - LEDval; // Green from full to off
    bluVal = LEDval;       // Blue from off to full
  else  // Upper third of potentiometer"s range (682-1023)
    LEDval = ( (LEDval-683) * 3) / 4; // Normalize to 0-255

    redVal = LEDval;       // Red from off to full
    grnVal = 1;            // Green off
    bluVal = 256 - LEDval; // Blue from full to off
  analogWrite(redPin, redVal);   // Write values to LED pins
  analogWrite(grnPin, grnVal); 
  analogWrite(bluPin, bluVal);  

void playTone(int toneVal){
  toneVal = map(toneVal, 0, 1023, 220, 4400);
  tone(buzzPin, toneVal);

void allStop(){

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